A robust API for handling all transaction functions, including batch orders, invoicing, payment methods, and more. Full authentication is provided to support credit, debit and ACH transactions.
View Methods
- ProcessTransaction
Commits multiple requests in one step. All business rules are
checked before commit and it is a commit-all or fail-all.
- CalculateOrder
Calculates pricing, tax, shipping and volume info for a potential order. This is for calculation only and does not
store a permanent record. Client provides address, itemcodes, and quantity. Server calculates and => s pricing, tax,
shipping and volume info.
- CreateOrder
Creates a new Order for an existing customer. Can create an order for a new customer if part of a transaction.
Server will calculate all pricing, tax, shipping and volume info unless overridden in the request.
- CreateOrderImport
Imports a new Order for an existing customer.
Use this for import routines or other instances where you wish to supply all calculation data.
It is advised to use CreateOrder unless you know the exact breakdown of all pricing, tax, shipping and volume info.
- UpdateOrder
Updates one or more fields on an existing order. Can participate in a transaction.
- ChangeOrderStatus
Changes an existing order from one status to another.
- ChangeOrderStatusBatch
Changes existing orders from one status to another in a batch. Can optionally
update tracking numbers as well.
- ValidateCreditCardToken
Validates a credit card token.
- CreatePayment
Creates a new payment type using cash, money order etc.
- CreatePaymentCreditCard
Creates a specific credit card payment for an existing order, or a new order in a transaction.
Note: This does not charge a card, and you must have an authorization code to submit this.
- CreatePaymentWallet
Creates a new payment for wallet account.
- CreatePaymentPointAccount
Creates a new payment for point account.
- CreatePaymentCheck
Creates a new payment using check information.
- ChargeCreditCardToken
Attempts to charge a card token with the amount found on an exiting order,
or a new order in a transaction.If the charge is successful, the order is changed to accepted.
- ChargeCreditCardTokenOnFile
Attempts to charge a card token on file with the amount found on an
exiting order, or a new order in a transaction. If the charge is successful, the order is changed to accepted.
- ChargeGroupOrderCreditCardToken
Attempts to charge a card token with the amount found on the specified orders.
- RefundPriorCreditCardCharge
Refunds a prior charge. To be used with an order.
- ChargeWalletAccount
Attempts to debit a wallet account with the amount found on an exiting order, or a new order in a transaction.
If the debit request is successful, the order is changed to accepted.
- ChargeWalletAccountOnFile
Attempts to debit a wallet account with the amount found on an exiting order, or a new order in a transaction.
If the debit request is successful, the order is changed to accepted.
- DebitBankAccount
Attempts to debit a bank account with the amount found on an exiting order, or a new order in a transaction.
If the debit request is successful, the order is changed to accepted.
- DebitBankAccountOnFile
Attempts to debit a bank account on file with the amount found on an exiting order, or a new order in a transaction.
If the debit request is successful, the order is changed to accepted.
- CreateExpectedPayment
Creates a new expected payment type using cash, money order etc.
- CreateExpectedBankWire
Creates a new expected payment of type Bank Bire.
- GetOrders
Returns one or more orders. You can submit several optional filter
fields to control the results.
- GetCountryRegions
Returns countries setup for company as well as the regions for a single country requested.
- GetCustomerBalances
Returns the sum of orders, payments, and adjustments per currency.
- CreateCustomerBalanceAdjustment
Create an adjustment for a customer's account in a currency.
- RefundPriorWalletCharge
Refunds a prior wallet charge. To be used with an order.
- GetOrderInvoice
Returns an Rendered Order Invoice
- ChargePriorAuthorization
Attempts to charge a prior authorization with the amount found on an existing order,
or a new order in a transaction. If the charge is successful, the order is changed to accepted.
- AuthorizeOnlyCreditCardToken
Attempts to authorize only a credit card token.
A follow up ChargePriorAuthorization will need to be issued to actually capture and settle the authorization.
- AuthorizeOnlyCreditCardTokenOnFile
Attempts to authorize only a credit card token on file.
A follow up ChargePriorAuthorization will need to be issued to actually capture and settle the authorization.
- RefundPriorDebitCharge
Refunds a prior charge. To be used with an order.